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Diary & Upcoming Events

For Latest News Items - Visit Gerald's Facebook Pa...

January 1, 2016

For Latest News Items - Visit Gerald's Facebook Page

Tuesday Talks at the LexIcon | Of War and War's Al...

November 10, 2015



GERALD DAWE in conversation with LIZ McMANUS


OF WAR AND WAR'S ALARMS Tuesday 10 November 2015

6.30 pm


The Studio, dlr LexI...

Ulster Bank Belfast International Arts Festival

October 15, 2015

The poet, essayist and Professor of English Literature at Trinity College Dublin, Gerald Dawe will be speaking about his latest publication, Of War an...

Isla Festival 2015 | A Place Called Literature

October 1, 2015

Love Translation | Culture Night at the Trinity Lo...

September 17, 2015

On Culture Night, wander in to the Long Room Hub at Trinity College Dublin, any time between 7 and 9 p.m., to hear a host of students, graduates and a...

East Side Arts | "Home Thoughts" with Eleanor Shan...

August 20, 2015

To celebrate the publication of Gerald Dawe’s Early Poems, his memoir, The Stoic Man and his most recent poetry collection, Mickey Finn’s Air.



Samuel Beckett Summer School | Trinity College Dub...

August 10, 2015

The North Began? Ulster and the Irish Revolution

June 19, 2015

Saturday 20 June Gerald Dawe: A Reading 12.30-1.oopm The North Began? Ulster and the Irish Revolution, 1900-25 Saturday, 20 June 2015 Edmund Burke The...

Oliver Goldsmith Festival

May 29, 2015

Talks will take place in the Goldsmith Room, Ballymahon Community Library. Speakers will be Vincent Woods, a poet and playwright who also presents ‘Ar...


April 22, 2015

'HOME THOUGHTS: A Reading' with special guest, singer Eleanor Shanley, Cuirt International Festival, Galway Thursday 23rd April 5.00 p.m. Town Hall Th...

Light Meter: Poets at Trinity Week

April 12, 2015

“Light Meter: Poets at Trinity Week” April 13th 5.30 – 7.30pm Neill Theatre, Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin An evening of poetry around...

Yeats 2015 | Harp Festival of Moons, Hugh Lane Gal...

April 3, 2015

A lunchtime recital by Kathleen Loughnane (harp) and Cormac Cannon (uileann pipes), hosted by The Hugh Lane Gallery and Yeats 150 Harp Festival of Moo...

Poems for Peace

March 12, 2015

Gerald will read at "Poems for Peace" on the 12th March in the Robert Emmet Theatre, Trinity College, Dublin.

'Engaging Poems' | William Carlos Williams's 'Asph...

March 3, 2015

'ENGAGING POEMS' A Lecture series organised by the School of English: William Carlos Williams's 'Asphodel, that Greeny Flower' Tuesday March 3rd 7 p.m...

Imagining Ulster | BBC 2 NI

March 9, 2015

Gerald will feature on the "Imagining Ulster" series broadcast by BBC2NIand presented by William Crawley. The series explores the social, cultural and...

Launch of "Mickey Finn's Air", Dun Laoghaire Rathd...

January 29, 2015

Launch of  MICKEY FINN'S AIR Dunlaoghaire-Rathdown Lexicon Library, Dun Laoghaire, 6.30pm Wednesday January 28th

'John Montague's Selected Poems', Burke Theatre, T...

December 2, 2014

Tuesday 2nd December 7 pm  Lecture: 'John Montague's Selected Poems', Burke Theatre, Trinity College Dublin Further information contact Secretary (Eve...

World War 1 Remembered Gerald Dawe and Hughie O’Do...

November 15, 2014

World War 1 Remembered Gerald Dawe and Hughie O’Donoghue In Conversation with John McAuliffe In Association with Poetry Ireland

When: Saturday 15 Nove...

The Night Dances (UK & Irish Premiere) | Belfast F...

November 1, 2014


Explore the subtleties of Benjamin Britten's composition for cello through the le...

Lines of Vision - Poetic Spaces: Poets Gerald Daw...

October 30, 2014

Lines of Vision: Irish Writers at the National Gallery

Special Thursday Evening Events

Lines of Vision: Irish Writers on Art is an illustrated anthology...

Gallery Goes... to Dromineer Literary Festival

October 4, 2014

Gerald Dawe, Medbh McGuckian, Conor O’Callaghan

It is with great pleasure that we host three outstanding Irish Poets, published by Gallery Press, at...

An Evening of Poetry and Song

October 1, 2014

Gallery Press poets David Wheatley, Gerald Dawe and Alan Gillis: three of Ireland’s leading poets read from recent work and are joined by Grammy award...

My Mother City | Poetry & Prose with Gerald Dawe |...

August 22, 2014

Gerald Dawe, poet, essayist and Professor of English at Trinity College Dublin, in discussion with Damian Smyth, fellow-poet and director of literatur...

Samuel Beckett Summer School, Trinity College Dub...

August 13, 2014

Wednesday 13th August


Gerald Dawe: Hearing Things: Beckett’s William Butler Yeats


The Samuel Beckett Summer School can be reached by email at inf...

The Lonely Voice | Beckett as Poet

July 31, 2014

Free Lecture with Professor Gerald Dawe (Trinity College Dublin)

Gerald Dawe has published eight collections of poetry including Selected Poems(Galle...

Ted Hughes Weekend, Connemara

July 12, 2014

Ted Hughes Weekend, Connemara


Saturday, July 12th 2014 16.45 – 17.30:


Prof. Gerald Dawe (Trinity College, Dublin):


“Pike, hawks and foxes – thoughts o...

Gallery Goes’ to Listowel Writers Week

May 30, 2014

Friday 30th May 6.30pm


Gerald Dawe reading with Vona Groarke & Peter Fallon


Venue: The Ballroom The Arms Hotel


Admission: €15/€12



‘Seamus Heaney: a Conference and Commemoration’

April 9, 2014

SEAMUS HEANEY; CONFERENCE AND COMMEMORATION The Seamus Heaney Centre for Poetry at Queen's University is organising a major event, ‘Seamus Heaney: a C...

"British" World War One Poetry (Spring School)

April 2, 2014

The poetry of the First World War is some of the most important and influential work of the twentieth century shaping our attitudes to war, and still...

"If Ever You Go" | Dublin, One City, One Book

March 31, 2014

Gerald will be reading during the 'Dublin - One City, One Book' series of events taking place in March / April 2014.  More detail on all events can be...

'From Dusty Bluebells to Parallax: reading & writ...

March 14, 2014

Ulster Poetry in the Digital Age: Creativity, Innovation and Professional Practice


Details regarding this workshop and booking are available here



Study Day | War Artists | National Gallery of Irel...

March 1, 2014

The Study Day ‘War Artists’ focusing on World War I reflects an era of radical change in both art and history. The range of talented artists that capt...

Imagination in the classroom: Teaching and learnin...

December 13, 2013

Imagination in the classroom: Teaching and learning creative writing in Ireland Teaching and learning creative writing in Ireland Anne Fogarty, Éilís...

The Beatles in 12 Movements | Trinity Long Room Hu...

November 4, 2013

Thomas Kinsella | A Lecture

October 29, 2013

Thomas Kinsella | A Lecture


Tuesday, 29th October 2013 at 7 p.m. in the Burke Theatre, Arts Building, Trinity College, Dublin 2.


Booking essential - m...

Seamus Heaney | an Appreciation

September 12, 2013

Read Gerald's recent tribute to colleague and friend, Seamus Heaney here.  The piece has also been featured in the Connacht Tribune.

Outlasting Fashion | Gerald's Review of "Poems 195...

October 20, 2013

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© 2018 by GERALD DAWE. No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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